Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Ignorance and Ignoring.

It was too compelling. I had to write it all out to express what's running on my mind.

I believe certain individuals would say that politics are for older people. Certain would say politics are dirty, and they rather stay out of it. Certain would say their simplicity of mind cannot grasp the complexity of politics, so they rather save their effort and time from understanding politics.

I understand that my blog's coverage is insignificant. But still, I would like to abide in my principles.

What I'm trying to express, is my frustration and disappointment in Malaysia's youth.

Just a few months back, during the March Election 2008, my lecturer questioned the class in KDU, mass comm course, people who communicate with the masses, his question was this,

"When you have your rights to vote, would you take the effort to register and practise your rights?"

None put up their hands.

The other day while I was working, my colleagues were having a short talk about politics and they were arguing about which flag represents which party. One of them at my age couldn't even be sure whether the "japanese" looking flag was PKR or PAS.

And I strongly believe, many don't understand what NEP is all about. Or about Permatang Pauh.. maybe perhaps about Ahmad Ismail.

I may not be a politic analyst, but I don't have to be one to do research and understand the importance and seriousness of politics in this land.

Sept 16th, Anwar's self imposed date of overthrowing the current ruling Government and NONE of my contacts on MSN is even a little concerned about it. Well, except for Ean and my gf. I doubt the excuse of ISA would come and arrest is the reason they did not mention anything.

Is it ignorance? Or simply the fact that they couldn't be bothered?

We're talking about possibilities of riots and fights. We're talking about possibilities that there could be drastic actions taken to restrict the movement of the opposition which could result in locking us away at home. We're talking about the nation's economy instability which leads to less job opportunities.

I plea that the likes of me, the Intellectuals, blessed with rich education, do your role. Many who suffer in poverty are oppressed and are not given the equal opportunity to be educated, it's comprehensive if they succumb to corruption and ignorance. But we who are blessed with education but chose to use it for personal gain, is truly unforgivable.

I dare say to those who choose to escape and refuse to face the hard times in our very own country, I can't help but to lose my respect to you as a friend, as a proud citizen of Malaysia. So many individuals sacrificed and gave their all to make this country harmonious and strong and by running away, you've put their effort into the depths of abyss.

Don't forget, we ARE the leaders of tomorrow. What we do and think influences the next generation which equates the future of this country. It is all gain to know about your country's politics and all lost if you don't. In the bigger picture, that is.

If this message of mine did awaken you, and you would like to start to make a change for Malaysia, for starters,

Did you know Tun Mahathir has a blog?

I'm not implying that you should support his views but at least consider his opinions as he was our previous Prime Minister.

Get updated with the opposition leader, Anwar Ibrahim as the big news of him attempting to overthrow the Government.

The media.

That mykad of yours in your wallet/purse verifies your citizenship in Malaysia. Start learning to appreciate it. There are many who long to have an identity in a country and would risk their lives to get one.

I apologize if this message's tone is aggresive or offensive. I do not have intentions of mocking or insulting anyone at all. But I do look forward to anyone who wishes to share their thoughts and views about the current political scene.

Thanks for your time, really do.

Oh and yes , spread the word.

God bless this country.


japheth said...

yeah man! totally agree with u. Many people couldnt be bothered. sadly.

s u n d a e said...

yup. so please do support this campaign by spreading the word :)