Friday, April 25, 2008

Entrepreneurship : Exposure

At first glance, I almost wanted to think this was a joke. But abiding to my principles, never conclude too soon, even though it seems as if there is all to is already.

He's 13 years old. An entrepreneur in the United States.

In this video, he claims to earn a total revenue of 1 Million dollars by the end of this year, 2008.

And apparently, his mentor.. or some guru, claims that he's going to beat the record as the youngest and most successful entrepreneur ever recorded in history.

I decided to do some investigation and profile reading. My, for his age to come up with such a website for his company, it's truly impressive. A team of 4 and all still schooling, it's really something.

On my personal side however, I'm having a difficult situation. Every mentor/entrepreneur/gurus always have this one same rule - Do something that you're really passionate about.

I like to bake, I mean the joy and fun of the end result is truly captivating. But deep down, I'm not sure if this is really what I want to do for the next decade or so. At the same time, I'm fighting against time, sure is tough to decide.

God, I'm leaving it all to you..!

Thanks for your time.

God bless, cheers.

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