Tuesday, April 1, 2008

From now on . .

A real search will begin today.

Some say there are those who are born to do "great things". Fact or myth, we can do great things, if we really put ourselves to it.

So coming back to the point, although the chances are slim, I intend to manipulate this medium of communication, to filter through my audience, to find potential partners into ExO(Extraordinaire) Organization.

Forgive me, no images will be seen on this post.

For the past 2 weeks, Gary, me and my gf(Li Her) has finally gained the courage and motivation to step out into the market and being establishing our credibility.

We sold - Floats. Yeah, the one you see at A&W's, but ours are homemade recipes.

Compared to my college mates who are busy at their internship . . my, looking at them expressing themselves at their blogs on how hectic they are and being exhausted.

Thing is, why am I out there, deploying a stall while they are out there working on their internship, the piece of paper that declares that you've accomplished your diploma only interprets main thing - it equates you to an employee.

There's absolutely nothing wrong being an employee. Don't get me wrong.

Employees establishes a company. Good employees establishes a credible company.

I need them.

It's the vision of ExO to be the world's most renowned organization of branding each of our employee. From the dishwasher, all the way to the directors of the organization.

I learn a theory that implies individuals with a distinctive mindset attracts another individual with the similar mindset. I'm counting on that theory.

Question is, how do I pop the conversation with my parents?

Yet, at the end of the day, all my hope and strength, I lay it unto God.

May He decides the path I walk.

Thanks your time.

God bless, cheers.

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