Wednesday, May 7, 2008

How much it takes to amuse you?

Have you even pondered, for every individual, what degree of humour or excitement it requires to amuse them?

"Daryl, that's really really subjective .. Everyone has their own interests in different fields,"

My point is, the "degree" of any interest or any field.

Would this amuse you?

Or this?

Movies like this?

Or this?

Cars like this?

Or this?

If you relate to all the comparisons above to wealth issues, how about the following comparisons,

Biscuits like this?

Or .. this?

Affordable clothes like this? (No, i'm not related to him.)

Or this..?

A haircut from an Indian barber?

Or at a decent saloon? (And yes, he's not my friend either.)

It can be very surprising to sometimes discover, the degree of excitement and thrill for others to
be amused. What really influence the overall factor of the audience amusement degree bar?

It's all subject to discussion. Please share your thoughts.

Thanks for your time.

God bless, cheers.

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